Saturday, April 18, 2009

Bye Bye Birdie

As most of you know, my girls are drama queens! They love Drama. The community in which they go to school (the Brighton/ Commerce city area) has a group that does several musicals a year for both kids and adults. So we figured this would be another opportunity for them to participate and they tried out on Wednesday. Thursday were call backs for both of them. Friday we found out who made it into what roll. Raeann will be playing Mrs. Doris Macafee, and Amanda will be playing Ursula Merkle. I think it is funny that Amanda's character has a surname that is really a part of her ancestry. The girls are thrilled to have a part. For everyone else, your preparation is to set aside July 10, 11, 17 or 18. It will be a great show the cast is awesome and the director couldn't be better!

1 comment:

Diana said...

That is so great. You will have to make sure to remind me when tickets go on sale. Congrats to both of those talented girls of yours. Also what a great poem.