Sunday, September 19, 2010

Buckskin Joes

Labor day weekend our girlscout troop went to Canon City for one night. We had a great time. My GPS (courtesy of Sprint) sent us on a bit of a wrong road, but is was beautiful country and a nice drive. We went to Buckskin Joes and experience it all, as it was almost the last weekend they were open. The girls had a great time together. We took one picture as a whole troop, Enjoy! I cannot seem to figure out how to get the picture at the end of the post.

Girls Weekend

Last year at my birthday bash, we decided to do something once a year. Especially since this year is Aunt Karen's 70th birthday. It was a busy year since Janell had her first baby and Heidi is out of the country in Singapore. In the end, Heidi couldn't make it to the states and we missed her a great deal. We had the girls weekend here in Colorado. We were able to do quite a bit while they were here. I had to work, so it made it a little difficult, but we managed to still have a fantastic time. Here are some of the pictures. Look for next years girls weekend I hope out east!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I love reading everyone elses blogs, so I know what is going on in their lives. I myself am very behind in the blog. I kept wanting to catch up, but it wont happen so here I start anew. Raeann turned 18 yesterday. It is so weird to be the mom of two adult children. It goes so fast. How lucky I am to have such great kiddos. Cory is still in South Dakota hoping for an extension in the Job Corps to get further educated. Amanda is enjoying high school. I am working, not too many changes :)